[Windows Azure] Our Node.js discussion

Friday, December 16, 2011


We had a Node.js discussion on Facebook, I think you should read it:

Govind Bhavan But sir how a developer can boost his skills in Javascript, when he has to write logic/routines (BLL / DLL / Transaction handling - ACID) in plain JavaScript, writing such code is the job of application developer in C# or Java or etc, how you rate this?
  • Zia Khan Times have changed Govind Bhavan
  • Govind Bhavan Yes sir time has given us the very best thoughts out framework but right now I cannot imagine the how the real meat of software written in JavaScript, the communication between server to client in JSON is excellent (much more than required) but to write that type of server component would be real trick. Thanks
  • Govind Bhavan Ok one question, how about comparing MVC at server side (which returns only JSON output) vs Node.js?
  • Zia Khan Govind Bhavan you cannot compare mvc with node because node is open source and thousands of developers are developing node modules, most of the cloud providers have also deployed the node, as i said previously it is slowly taking over the internet
  • Govind Bhavan Sir the reason I compared Node with MVC is I can see benefit when using MVC to output (handle) HTML and JSON using a single framework , can I output reusable HTML part with Node?
  • Zafar Hussain Luni I don't have any issues with js/node. Node is a great framework. But non-blocking I/O is not an answer to all problems. Not all companies need software to server millions of requests. I don't think there are more than one or two companies in PK which have millions of users. 70% of all software development is done for corporate which none of which need scalability what they need is consistency and reliability. Only in Khi we have 250+ registered s/w house(small and large). And industry is short of resources. I think Pakistan and industry needs C# and Java developers for sever side as well.
  • Zafar Hussain Luni Node is a great framework its share will increase in future as well but it's not a framework to rule all others. 99 of students of OB or other universities are going to search job in our industry. And only javascript option will give them no other option but to chose mobile dev. If by any way we agree that in future most of our companies will start using node than for that to happen it will take atleast 8 to 10 years in PK. So I think knowlege of and Static type language be it java, C#, c++ etc is a must.
  • Zia Khan Govind Bhavan of course, it can output reusable Html parts with the node module called express
  • Zia Khan Zafar Hussain Luni What i have learnt while teaching in the last few years is that the most difficult thing to do is to create a "App Developer". We want to streamline the whole application developing teaching process, so that we are able to output developers. We know single page Html5 and Javascript apps are going to rule the world in the near future. You have to teach this, no choice. After learning this the students are exausted, and then are in no shape to learn another language or platform. It is question of what is possible. Node.js is the only choice available. I have realized this, and I beleave the industry has realized this as well. It is not just the scalabilty and performance that will derive Node adoption but also the integrated client server package. When Silverlight/C# was the our client choice imagine if we would have asked students to learn Java for server development, it would have been impossible for students to do. In the same way we have made a choice if Javascript is going to be on the client, we will have to go with Javascript on the server/cloud as well. An integrated stack is the only possible solution. Other solutions are not doable. To have backward compatibile Microsoft is integrating Node.js with IIS and Azure. Other server providers will follow suite. Future Html5 apps will be running on Node.js. We cannot be all things to all people, our only focus is to write end to end Html5 mobile and web apps, this will be 75% of the market by end of 2012. This is good enough for us.


    Zia Khan

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