[flexcoders] Re: flexx 4.6 DateSpinner component

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


I haven't fully tested this out, but you can try doing the following:

* create your own sub-class of DateSpinner
* override the createDateItemList() function and have it return null for DATE_ITEM date parts

e.g. something like this:

package components
import spark.components.DateSpinner;
import spark.components.SpinnerList;

public class DateSpinnerModified extends DateSpinner
public function DateSpinnerModified()

override protected function createDateItemList(datePart:String, itemIndex:int, itemCount:int):SpinnerList
if (datePart != DATE_ITEM)
return super.createDateItemList(datePart, itemIndex, itemCount);
return null;


Now use your custom DateSpinner subclass in place of the Flex component.


-- Tom

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "markflex2007" <markflex2007@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need a component that just input year and month. May I custom DateSpinner component to do this.
> How to build the new component?please give me a idea.
> Thanks
> Mark

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