[flexcoders] Re: Flex alternatives

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


From what I've seen, in Zkoss there's a strong coupling between the server and the client. I might be wrong, but when I tested the demos it looked to me that any user interaction (ex: clicking on a button) ends up in a call to the server. I'm not a big fan of this approach...

I think you might find this article interesting for this discussion: "After 6 years doing Flex, am I moving to HTML5?": https://plus.google.com/109047477151984864676/posts/CVGJKLMMehs

Bottom line: when working on enterprise RIAs, I would lower my expectations on finding a viable alternative to Flex, at least for the next two years. In the meantime, either you cut on the requirements and UX, or simply stick with Flex.


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