Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to KITlist. Visit today!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Welcome to the "Keep In Touch" (KIT) List!

The KIT List is a service of Connelly Communications, Inc. You can find more about the list at (FAQs, About Us).

- Please read our "Terms of Use" at By using the KIT List, you agree to abide by those terms. Discriminatory practices, unprofessional behavior, or adult-themed businesses are not allowed.
- Please do NOT send your resume or requests for work to the list, which is for permanent or consulting job openings only.

Please take a look at our FAQs at

Send an email to Be sure to send the email from the same address you originally used to join. Allow a few days for Yahoo to stop sending emails. If Yahoo's unsubscribe function does not work, email us at and we'll manually remove you.

I am not a recruiter, I do this to help friends and colleagues. I'm a marketing communications consultant, and my company is Connelly Communications, Inc. (

I started the KIT list in 1997 to "keep in touch" with my Silicon Graphics friends after I left SGI to work with other clients. When we all worked together at SGI, it was a truly magical time. The best part was the people, and we became good friends as a result.

When SGI started having lay offs, I used my email list to pass on job leads to my friends. Well, it grew from there as KIT list members added other friends and colleagues, and we now have over 36,000 people!

Since the list was taking thousands of hours of my time, Amy Sloniker and Val Cienega now help with the moderator workload and I am grateful for their terrific work.

Welcome, and I wish you all the best in finding a great employee or work that you love!

Sue Connelly
KIT List Founder (
President, Connelly Communications, Inc. (

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