[KIT-list] CONTR: Content Writer / Digital Marketing / Communications (Remote)

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Please direct your responses to: rob.christopher@justresolve.com.

Please provide a cover letter noting why you are the right person for this engagement, along with writing samples and time, compensation estimates.



Content Writer / Digital Marketing / Communications Contracting Opportunity


Just Resolve (www.JustResolve.com) provides businesses, individuals and client-centric legal professionals with tools, services and protection plans that do away with the absurdly high costs – in time, money and stress – of resolving common limited-stakes legal disputes.  Just Resolve is a neutral service provider that uniquely delivers real justice to all parties in disputes where high legal and other costs typically consume most or all of the financial stakes in dispute.  Just Resolve does this by promoting and delivering its innovative non-adversarial dispute resolution ("NDR") process.  Unlike traditional litigation and popular alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") methods driven by battling attorneys who seek to win and maneuver for advantage, NDR is a focused search for truth driven by one or more mutually agreed neutral investigators and decision makers called "arbiters." 


The gap in our civil justice system that NDR helps to close is severe among small and medium sized businesses and their attorneys, so for this and other reasons Just Resolve's current marketing strategy sees this market segment as most likely to welcome this approach and become early adopters.  


To increase market awareness, we are seeking a Content Writer and Digital Marketing Professional with experience working in or with the legal profession and excellent business writing skills. Through curation of content from Just Resolve case histories, previously published articles, a soon to be published book on NDR by the company founder, and third party material on the benefits of neutral driven resolution vs adversarial litigation and ADR targeted to business owners and leaders, ideally the Content Writer will produce on a monthly basis: 2 blogs and 8-10 social media posts along with one quarterly newsletter and an article to be posted to Medium and shared via social media.


The ideal contractor for this service will have:

  • Minimum of 2 years' experience working in or with the US legal system, ideally with a private law firm serving the business market
  • Examples of engaging, well-written and well-structured blogs, articles, and/or newsletters they have written from curated / sourced material
  • Prefer writer who also has experience building market awareness and a following with business or legal professionals (company owners, managers, entrepreneurs, lawyers) 
  • Work style: Collaborative, flexible, high attention to detail, critical self-editing and timeliness, and commitment to success working independently

Initial engagement would be for one month of blogs and social media posts to then be expanded with mutual agreement. Topical content for the posts will be sourced mostly from a soon to be published non-fiction business book about the legal system and benefits of neutral driven resolution vs litigation targeted to business.  

Qualified candidates should provide examples of writing for similar engagements (blogs, articles, social media posts for business audience). Please also provide estimate of time and desired monthly compensation for you to produce 2 blog posts and 8-10 social media posts from book manuscript based on Just Resolve messaging guidelines.


Please provide a cover letter noting why you are the right person for this engagement, along with writing samples and time, compensation estimates to Rob Christopher on rob.christopher@justresolve.com.





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